Responsible partner: Ademan (Spain)

Description: For the development of a prefabricated slab system from boards or other wood elements for webs and insulation, it is required to contract a research centre with the capacity to carry out bending tests (four-point test according to EN408) to determine the bending resistance of the prototypes of the structural elements. Therefore, Ademan’s specialised timber architects will be involved in the design and calculations of the slab solution.

For the realisation of Experiment 5, a total of 9 different configurations are proposed, with two beam lengths (4 and 7.5m). The use of various panel material compositions (all LSL or combined with C24) and beam edges is foreseen. Additionally, the study of a configuration with central bracing is envisaged, as well as the study of the connection between two beams.

The breakdown of experiment 5 is as follows:

  • Ademan has created the tender for experiment 5 for the destructive testing of the caissons made from LSL. The only entity that has contacted Ademan is Catedra Madera of the UNAV.
  • The material to produce the caissons for construction at height will be purchased from a company that manufactures LSL (Laminated Strand Lumber) from local poplar.
  • Due to the current problems caused by the rise in fuel prices and the supply difficulties caused by the strike in the transport sector, the production of poplar from local wood has been delayed. In addition, poplar felling in Navarre has been restricted because of the reproduction of the European mink, a protected species.
  • These problems have led to a lack of material for the manufacture of the crates, so the destructive tests will be postponed until October-November.