22 03, 2022

Mondego Hotel

2022-03-22T11:57:58+00:0022 de March del 2022|Technical Datasheets|

This is a refurbishment project for the Mondego Hotel. It was decided to maintain the perimeter walls, including the Art Deco façade, and [...]

18 03, 2022

Silva Tower

2022-03-18T10:56:24+00:0018 de March del 2022|Technical Datasheets|

The project consists of a set of three buildings that include housing, offices, commercial premises and a parking lot. The tallest building, the [...]

22 02, 2022

Redbridge School

2022-02-22T12:20:32+00:0022 de February del 2022|Technical Datasheets|

Located in Lisbon, the school consists of two buildings, a single‐storey irregular‐shaped pavilion and a regular longitudinal building, which follows the alignment of [...]

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