This 28th September will see the inauguration of the European project EGURALT. The project aims to identify and apply new processes and technologies for the optimal use of wood, as a local and renewable product, in the construction of mid-rise buildings.
EGURALT is part of the Priority of the Interreg SUDOE Programme focused on “Promoting innovation capacities for smart and sustainable growth”, and specifically in the Thematic Objective oriented to: “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation”. EGURALT is 75% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and has a total budget of € 1,011,562.50.
There are 8 entities participating in the project: NASUVINSA – Navarra de Suelo y Vivienda S.A. – as Lead Partner ; SerQ – Centro de Inovação e Competências da Floresta in Central Portugal; XERA – Axencia Galega da Industria Forestal in Galicia; CESEFOR from Castilla y León; BASKEGUR – Asociación de la Madera de Euskadi in the Basque country, ADEMAN – Asociación de Empresarios de la Madera de Navarra, and XYLOFUTUR – Produits et Matériaux des Forêts Cultivées and ENSAPBX – École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux – both in France. The beneficiaries of the project combine a multidisciplinary nature (associations for the promotion of wood construction; advanced research centres; associations of entrepreneurs; educational institutions, among others) that, together, will improve the achievement of results and their dissemination in the SUDOE area.
The EGURALT Consortium will work in a coordinated way in the following areas: the promotion of public housing in wooden buildings, the development of new technological products in wood and the transformation of the wood sector, which are necessary aspects of the paradigm shift in construction in the SUDOE area, towards a more sustainable construction based on the use of wood as a local and renewable product. This exchange of knowledge will enable the application of new products, processes and technologies, and thanks to its dissemination, the knowledge accumulation, the awareness of society and the international positioning of the participating agents and entities.
Planned activities include three transnational roundtables, seven study visits, a guide on timber construction, regional workshops and a seminar in April 2023. All project activities and results can be found at